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Главная » 2011 » Октябрь » 31 » TwistedBrush Pro Studio v18.16
TwistedBrush Pro Studio v18.16
TwistedBrush Pro Studio v18.16
TwistedBrush Pro Studio - программа для художников. Это графический редактор оптимизированый не на редактирование уже имеющейся графики, а на создание новой, т.е. главная его возможность - рисование.. Интерфейсом Twisted-Brush мало похож на другие редакторы, хотя и предоставляет все необходимые возможности: работа с буфером обмена, зуминг и, конечно же, рисование. Причем рисующий инструмент только один — кисточка, зато количество (более 3000 штук) и качество пресетов для рисования а также многообразие форм и регулируемость размеров и цветовой гаммы позволяют человеку, не особо одаренному художественными талантами, буквально за пару минут изобразить то, что — возможно, более аккуратно и качественно, конечно — профессионал, работающий в другом редакторе, рисовал бы, наверное, не один час.

Added - Art Pro - Smoke and Gases ArtSet added.
Added - Pro Image Shape Particle 1, Pro Image Shape Particle 2 and Pro Image Shape Particle 3 added to the Art Pro - Image Shape ArtSet
Added - Pro Image Brush Particle 1, Pro Image Brush Particle 2 and Pro Image Brush Particle 3 added to the Art Pro - Image Brush ArtSet.
Added - Pro Shape Particle 1, Pro Shape Particle 2 and Pro Shape Particle 3 added to the Art Pro - Design ArtSet
Added - Pro Clip Particles to the Art Pro - Clip Brush ArtSet
Added - Pro Nu Spray Wave and Pro Nu Spray Shot to the Art Pro - Nu Media ArtSet.
Added - TwistedBrush Automation System! Experimental but functioning. Found at menu File > Automation.
Added - Tool Shortcut is Always Dynamic preference added.
Added - Pro Eraser Text Brush added to the Art Pro - Test Brush ArtSet.
Added - Brush effects pRot, pAdj Rot, pRot Init, pRnd Rot and pRnd Rot Init added.
Added - Brush effect Dab mode rate added. Allows for Dab Mode and Dab Pos Mode brushes to paint without moving the cursor (like an air brush)
Improved - The Brush Control panel now supports the ability to turn off and on control parameters.
Improved - Remember the last text entered for Text brushes
Improved - When selecting a brush effect in the Brush Effect panel clear out the envelope, freq and amount fields if the brush effect doesn't use them
Improved - Particle emitter have been changed to not filter drawing, just emitting, when it's not time to emit a new particle.
Improved - The Paste tool, clip brushes and text brushes have improved performance with rotating.
Improved - RAW camera reading has been updated to use version 1.444 of dcraw.
Changed - Remove unused Text Clip Brush effect.
Changed - The Hide Circle Cursor option has been changed to Hide Circle Cursor while Drawing.
Fixed - Don't display the Clips panel when Text Clip brushes are selected.
Fixed - The New Combo Palette popup menu action was clearing the current palette when it shouldn't
Fixed - bStrokeScript and ubStrokeScript brush effects, if referencing an incorrect script file would lose recent changes to the brush.
Fixed - Paste tool, clip brushes and text brushes could crash in rare cases when rotating.
Fixed - Using the Import Brush Code or Export Brush Code from the brush shortcut popup menu would trigger a color selection mode for reference images.
Fixed - Closing the Brush Control panel when a Text Brush is selected would result in a crash on the next brush selected.
Fixed - Selecting a Hue Adj, Sat Adj or Luminence Adj brush effect when the Brush Control panel was not visible would result in a crash.
Fixed - Selecting a Text Clip Once or Text Clip Repeat brush effect when the Brush Control panel was not visible would result in a crash.

Год выпуска: 2011
ОС: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Лекарство: Присутствует (keygen-BRD)
Размер: 22,5 Мб

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