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Atril Deja Vu X2 Professional v8.0.505
Atril Deja Vu X2 Professional v8.0.505
Atril Deja Vu X2 – самая современная система автоматизированного перевода (САТ-tool), объединяющая технологии Translation Memory с машинным переводом.Революционные функции Atril Deja Vu X2 позволят Вам в 2 раза сократить время, затрачиваемое на перевод и редактирование текста, сохраняя качество перевода на высочайшем уровне. Atril Deja Vu X2 Professional - это наиболее удобный и эффективный инструмент для переводчиков-фрилансеров, объединяющий функции автоматизации с самыми современными решениями и разработками для достижения высочайшей производительности.

Atril Deja Vu X2 ; Vu is the most powerful and customizable Computer Aided Translation (CAT) system.
ATRIL is committed to building long-term relationships with its clients by offering free updates and flexible service policies for training and support. The most popular version of Atril Deja Vu X2 - and with good reason. Fast and flexible, Atril Deja Vu X2; Vu X2 Professional combines Atril’s Intelligent Quality technology with an array of powerful, customisable productivity and quality assurance features that is unmatched by any other translation technology tool.

Как это работает?

Переводчик создает проект по переводу, т.е. загружает в программу текст, который нужно перевести, – будем называть его оригинал - и подключает базы данных памяти перевода и терминологии. Программа извлекает текст из файлов с оригиналом, делит его на сегменты (по знакам препинания или другим настраиваемым критериям) и представляет в виде таблицы, слева – сегменты оригинала, справа – пустые сегменты, куда переводчик заносит перевод.

При обработке нового текста, поступившего на перевод, система сравнивает каждое его предложение с сохраненными в базе сегментами. Если идентичный или подобный исходному сегмент найден, то перевод этого сегмента отображается вместе с переводом и указанием совпадения в процентах. Слова и фразы, которые отличаются от сохраненного текста, выделяются цветом.

Помимо этого осуществляется контроль над соблюдением терминологии, соответствием числовых значений и дат, проверяется орфография, сокращается время на верстку и редактирование, осуществляется автоматический анализ трудозатрат и трудоемкости.

Базы можно составить также из уже выполненных Вами переводов с помощью встроенной функции Alignment.

Где это применять?
технические и юридические тексты с большим количеством повторяющихся предложений и фраз,
отчеты, графики, официальная документации,
тексты, содержащие много специфических терминов,
любые другие тексты, требующие корректного и качественного перевода.

повышается скорость работы (до 30-50% для технических текстов и до 80% для юридических и официальных документов),
повышается единообразие терминологии и качество переведенного текста,
сокращаются трудозатраты.

Deja Vu X is the most powerful and customizable computer-assisted translation (CAT) system available today. Combining state-of-the-art translation memory ™ technology with EBMT (example-based machine translation) techniques, Deja Vu X provides an unmatched breakthrough in productivity and consistency.
Conceptually, Deja Vu X is an inexhaustible and instantly accessible extension of the translator's memory, complementing his skills rather than replacing them. For the project manager, Deja Vu X provides all the tools necessary for her to evaluate, prepare, and control any translation project from and into any language that is supported by Windows.
Deja Vu X goes a step (some users say "many steps") beyond traditional TM tools. While other systems only display exact and fuzzy matches, Deja Vu X intelligently uses the translation memory, terminology database, and project lexicon to increase the quality of fuzzy matches by working with smaller segments and words. For close fuzzy matches, Deja Vu X will often produce a perfect translation, in the translator's own style.
However, Deja Vu X is not just a TM tool. It is a full-featured, integrated translation environment with many additional translation and project management features that radically increase productivity and consistency. Whatever file formats you work with, Deja Vu X presents a uniform interface, displaying only translatable text and protecting any coding information. So there's no need to worry about overwriting formatting and layout information, or to buy and learn a number of different DTP and software development tools.
Despite its complexity, even inexperienced users find Deja Vu X easy to get started with because of the host of wizards that guide them through all major processes.

- DeepMiner: The revolutionary data mining and translation engine at the heart of Atril Deja Vu X2, DeepMiner extracts much more information from your terminology and translation memory databases than any other solution and uses it to greater effect. That’s because it doesn’t just use the individual terms and sentences in your databases, but also carries out sophisticated cross-analyses of those databases on the fly to "mine” translations of the building block words and phrase segments embedded in them. It then uses conventional fuzzy matches and/or these "mined” terms and phrases to create fuzzy match repairs, forming improved translations.

- AutoWrite: An integrated core feature of the SmartView interface in Atril Deja Vu X2, AutoWrite is an interactive predictive translation system that harnesses the power of DeepMiner to bring you enhanced productivity, even for texts with few or no database segment matches. AutoWrite works with you as you translate, automatically proposing a series of terms, phrases and sentences that are mined from your databases and interactively assembled for you to select with one click as you type. And unlike legacy technology, AutoWrite works directly with your existing databases, so there’s no need to prepare special dictionaries. Just click and go!

- Create multiple file projects: Atril Deja Vu X2 can handle a high number of files within each project (until 2GB), allowing you to perform a range of operations on every file at once, from Pretranslation and Search & Replace to batch Quality Control checks.

- Create multiple format projects: Atril Deja Vu X2 uses a clear single interface to handle all the many different file types supported from Office to FrameMaker, including HTML, XML, InDesign and many more. Whenever you require, Atril Deja Vu X2; Vu X2 exports your translations automatically, preserving the original structure and formatting.

- Guaranteed Matches: You no longer need to worry about multiple matches in translation memories. Atril Deja Vu X2 takes the context of each segment into account to select the most appropriate match.

- Multilingual projects and multilingual databases: Atril Deja Vu X2 can handle many different languages simultaneously in one project, reusing and bringing together the information from multilingual databases in any combination of source and target languages.

- Project Lexicon: Build glossaries based on the projects you translate, or incorporate the terminology you have been given by your customers. This unique, highly-flexible feature of Atril Deja Vu X2 offers a wide range of possibilities, from temporary glossaries of terms that still need to be verified to powerful integration through DeepMiner with AutoWrite, Assemble or AutoAssemble.

- SmartView: a fully-customisable, tabbed-window interface that puts everything within easy reach and shows what you want at a glance while simultaneously reducing screen clutter. Extensive streamlined wizards make it easier than ever to create projects and databases, while project templates allow you to save any project configuration for easy reuse. Simply choose the appropriate saved template and select all your project files to create a new project all in one go!

- Quality Assurance: Automatically check the consistency of terminology in your projects and ensure the correct use of formatting, numbers and figures.

- Compatibility: Compatibility with other CAT tools is ensured with the External View in RTF. Also, DVX and DVX2 are fully compatible between each other without requiring any conversion of projects and databases.

- Powerful batch maintenance of project and database quality: Structured Query Language SQL Select and Execute commands enable swift yet sophisticated project quality management and database maintenance. The SmartView interface makes it easier than ever to generate these commands and Quality Assurance rules and to save them for future reuse.

- Alignment project: Multi-file and multi-format alignment in one alignment project makes your databases creation quick and easy.

Операционная система: Windows
Размер: 49.59 MB
Активация: patch by tonyweb
Язык: Multi (русский есть)


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